ŠENOVKA spol. s r.o - grain processing machinery and equipment

In this way we have reassumed on tradition of production of milling machines in Pardubice and Czech Republic.
Our company delivered all equipment for flour mill - spare parts, machine and machinery , complete production lines of milling product inclusively of Computers in control systems.


Introduction and history of firm

In these days we can say, milling machines are already produced more than 140 yaers in Pardubice – Czech Republic. The history of this production is following. In this time established Mr. Josef Prokop factory named „ Josef Prokop and sons“.
After the end of communists system in Czech Republic , in 1989, was the factory divided into two independent firms „TMS Group“ and „PROKOP – joint stock company“ . Unfortunately, today all of them do not work. The firts of them went bankrupt in 1999 and the second in 2002. The extincion of these firms did not come suddenly. It was coming slowly, but surely. That is why former employees of these firms, founded new company named “ ŠENOVKA Co. Ltd “ in 2001.


10. 10. 2018
New websites
We welcome customers on our new websites optimised for all devices including smartphones and so on.
We hope websites will suit your requirements.
18. 7. 2018
Power cut of e-mail adresses
In the period 16.7. - 18.7. 2018, all mail addresses failed. Orders, invoices and inquiries have not been registered for this reason.
10. 4. 2017
New Euro Account
We hereby announce that we have set up a new EURO payment account since April 10, details in the "Contacts" section
8. 9. 2016
Change of company headquarters
With effect from September 8, 2016, the company changes its headquarters to:
Š E N O V K A spol. s r.o.
U Parku 44
533 21 Vysoké Chvojno
3. 2. 2016
The company celebrates 15 years of its existence
24. 12. 2015
New areal
We notify customers that as of 1.3.2016 we are moving to a new operating area to:
U Parku 44,
533 21 Vysoké Chvojno